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Principle 1.
"Style borders are produced artificially and disturb the free flow of the imagination.

Principle 2.
"Style-borders provide templates of expression which can be used for in-depth and innovative development."

Sasha Pushkinґs piano playing is formed through classic and jazz, free improvised and experimental music.
He is the creator of his own musical doctrine, called "Exprovisation".

This word comes from a Latin word "Expromt" and from the words "Experimental" and "Improvisation". Exprovisation is an improvisation with form, creating a full composition directly in the moment. And without any musical style-limitation.

You can expect melodic and rhythmic improvisations or atonal harmony, use of unusual objects and prepared piano sound.... Each performance is absolutely unique and unpredictable. And it can go one way and end up somewhere else anytime…

For a cross-over musician, any area is a source for the creative process.

Sasha also researches in the fields of Indian classical music and philosophy, involving methods of traditional meditation and concentration forms. And trance methods, which you find for example in African music and Techno…

His mother was a music teacher and when the two-year old Sasha became too noisy she used to put Tchaikovsky or Rachmaninov on to keep him quiet. Is that why his music sometimes reminds of Rachmaninov and Tchaikovsky? But it can also evoke Gershwin or Bartok, Satie or Chopin, Jerry Lee Lewis or Keith Jarrett. Some people like to compare. You can just listen and decide for yourself (if you need to).

Silent movie music Live

In his performances accompanying silent films Sasha uses elements of retro piano styles like Rag Time, Boogie or Swing and fuses them into something modern and experimental. He has performed music for such films as the German black & white classic "Berlin: Symphony of a Great City" and the Russian classic Cartoon " Nu Pogodi". Sasha has also started a new art of silent movie music, performing with the more contemporary colour and sound film "Koyaanisqatsi", replacing the Phillip Glass score with his own spontaneously composed live music.

Playing with Art

Another of Sasha’s special projects involves improvising music in gallery environments alongside art objects, graphics, paintings and sculptures. Performances in this field to date include improvisations to works by Gino Masharelli, Frank Tornow, Hans Schimanski, Andre Sofin and Andrй Wagner. In this case the images or sculptures are the source of inspiration for the free composed music.


  Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 713 kb.
Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 699 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 1.262 kb.
Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 1.720 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 1.250 kb.
Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 625 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 980 kb.
Sasha Pushkin ...>>> 780 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Chritfried Huebner ....>>> 1.680 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 723 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 914 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 1.163 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 1.083 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 1.050 kb.
Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 558 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 1.163 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 855 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 560 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 1.459 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 632 kb. Sasha Pushkin / Photo: Evgeny Revvo ...>>> 847 kb.


EXPROVISATION KDK 07 ( LIVE IN BERLIN): mp3, 5.311 kb ......>>>

EXPROVISATION   1 FROM 15, mp3, 643 kb ......>>>
EXPROVISATION   2 FROM 15, mp3, 702 kb ......>>>
EXPROVISATION   3 FROM 15, mp3, 514 kb ......>>>
EXPROVISATION   4 FROM 15, mp3, 531 kb ......>>>
EXPROVISATION   5 FROM 15, mp3, 464 kb ......>>>
EXPROVISATION   7 FROM 15, mp3, 456 kb ......>>>
EXPROVISATION   8 FROM 15, mp3, 542 kb ......>>>
EXPROVISATION 14 FROM 15, mp3, 611 kb ......>>>

Exprovisation   1 from 64 L, mp3, 747 kb ......>>>
Exprovisation   2 from 64 L, mp3, 445 kb ......>>>
Exprovisation   3 from 64 L, mp3, 611 kb ......>>>
Exprovisation   5 from 64 L, mp3, 662 kb ......>>>
Exprovisation   7 from 64 L, mp3, 525 kb ......>>>
Exprovisation 10 from 64 L, mp3, 910 kb ......>>>
Exprovisation 11 from 64 L, mp3, 604 kb ......>>>


S.P. EXPROVISATION 153 B - Part 1, 3 min. 45 sek., mpg, 9.545 kb ......>>>
S.P. EXPROVISATION 153 B - Part 2, 2 min. 21 sek., mpg, 5.673 kb ......>>>
EXPROVISATION 153 B ( LIVE IN BERLIN), Ausschnitt, mov, 15.050 kb ......>>>


Wie ein inspirierter Maler erschafft der russische Konzertpianist und Komponist Sasha Pushkin mit seinen musikalischen Grenzüberschreitungen immer wieder neue improvisierte Klangbilder, die Ausdruck seiner offenen, kosmopolitischen Existenz sind.

Seine eigene musikalische Doktrin bezeichnet Pushkin als „Exprovisation". Der Begriff steht für die unmittelbare Vereinigung von Experiment und Improvisation und bezieht sich auch auf den Begriff des musikalisch „freien" Impromptu-Klaviersolos.

Ähnlich der Cut-Up Technik von William S. Borroughs zerreißt, zerschneidet und restrukturiert Sasha Pushkin virtuos verschiedenste Elemente aus Klassik, Jazz, Avantgarde, Minimal, Rock und Ethnoklängen zu einem Fluss von interagierenden Klang-Kaleidoskopen.

Der Zuschauer wird beim Konzert unmittelbar Zeuge eines verdichteten Kompositionsprozesses, nämlich einer einmaligen „Exprovisation". Gleichsam eines atemberaubend dynamischen Drahtseilaktes erlebt der Zuschauer mit der actio und reactio von aufwogenden Klangwellen bis zu nuanciertesten Pianissimo-Sequenzen die immense Bandbreite des virtuosen Klangakrobaten, dessen unverwechselbares Spiel - wenn man denn einen Vergleich ziehen möchte - z.B. an Bartok, Gershwin, Keith Jarrett, Tschaikowski oder Rachmaninow erinnert.

Dazu gehören rhythmische und melodische und bisweilen eruptive bis atonale Improvisationen, die neben dem Piano in Anlehnung an das „Prepared piano" von John Cage auch weitere Klangerlebnisse einschließen kцnnen. Einen musikalischen Widerhall finden bei den Improvisationen von Sasha Pushkin auch seine vielfältigen Aktivitäten, u.a. als Zeichner, Dichter und als Komponist bei Kooperationen für modernen Tanz, Multimedia-Projekte und Filmmusik.


Экспровизация. Так называет свою стилевую манеру Саша Пушкин.
Каждое выступление является по своей сути неповторимым смешением красок, настроений и стилей. Спонтанные композиции. Импровизация. Смешение стилей или наоборот их выхолащивание. Соединение несоединимого.
Экспрессия и импрессия, мелодичность и диссонанс, юмор, ирония и абсолютная серьёзность - частые гости в этих акциях.

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